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Manual Metal Polishing vs. Automatic Metal Polishing Services

Metal polishing is a finishing process that uses abrasive materials to improve the surface of precision metal components. Polishing enhances the functional and aesthetic quality of the metallic surface by removing surface imperfections (e.g., scratches and nicks), improving corrosion and oxidation resistance, and/or adding a coarse, satin, fine satin finish.


Tips for a Great Metal Spinning Design

Metal spinning transforms workpieces into axially symmetrical objects. This technique is a lower-cost metal forming option and enables unique shapes – such as parabolic nose shapes, hemispherical, and cones – to be created from singular pieces of metal, as opposed to forming seamed pieces that are structurally weaker. Here we will share some insights about the metal spinning process to help you choose the right materials and other considerations for your next project.


All About Our Custom Tank Heads

At Helander, our metal spinning and sheet hydroforming processes produce a range of durable tank head imageand high-quality metal parts. Tank heads especially are a perfect fit for our metal forming processes. We produce our tank heads in a number of dimensions and shapes, depending on each client’s specific needs. This blog will discuss how Helander makes tank heads and the advantages of using custom-made options instead of choosing stock tank heads.


Advantages of Hydroforming for Aerospace Applications

Hydroforming is frequently and advantageously applied within the aerospace industry. The typically high complexity of aerospace components necessitates a fabrication technique that canaerospace-cap-edited-500x477 effectively produce the desired shapes and forms. Metal sheet hydroforming provides an economical manufacturing solution for parts with asymmetrical or complex geometries and irregular contours as the process requires fewer passes to produce the desired part than a comparable matched die stamping process.


Helander Facility Capabilities

For more than 80 years, Helander has been providing companies with metal forming and fabricating services.  Working on projects for the aerospace, automotive, medical, and agricultural industries, among others, our niche is forming cylindrically shaped parts — ranging from one to 72 inches in diameter — in all types of metals and production quantities.  Our facility is equipped for projects involving CNC machining, metal spinning, and secondary services such as turning, drilling, milling, boring, threading, and tapping.
