Hydroforming (Sheet Hydroforming) is a specialized deep draw process that uses high-pressure rubber to shape and form metal workpieces. In sheet hydroforming, a metal sheet is placed over a die before highly pressurized water forces it down and makes it conform to the shape of the mold. In tube hydroforming, a preexisting tube is set between two dies, and water pushes the interior of the tube to expand and conform to the new shape. Both processes allow for the seamless forming of new shapes and parts in common metal alloys without welds. Additionally, the hydroforming process is an excellent choice for developing complicated, irregularly-shaped parts or products. At Helander, we specialize in high-quality metal-forming and manufacturing services to create custom parts for a wide range of applications across different industries including Sheet Hydroforming and Metal Spinning. (more…)
At Helander, our metal spinning and sheet hydroforming processes produce a range of durable and high-quality metal parts. Tank heads especially are a perfect fit for our metal forming processes. We produce our tank heads in a number of dimensions and shapes, depending on each client’s specific needs. This blog will discuss how Helander makes tank heads and the advantages of using custom-made options instead of choosing stock tank heads.
Hydroforming is frequently and advantageously applied within the aerospace industry. The typically high complexity of aerospace components necessitates a fabrication technique that can effectively produce the desired shapes and forms. Metal sheet hydroforming provides an economical manufacturing solution for parts with asymmetrical or complex geometries and irregular contours as the process requires fewer passes to produce the desired part than a comparable matched die stamping process.
At the heart of Helander’s hydroforming services is our cutting edge 20″ hydroforming press. Sheet hydroforming is an ideal process for manufacturing parts with complex or asymmetrical geometries that would require multiple punch cycles in a matched die stamping process. By replacing one of the rigid dies with highly pressurized hydraulic fluid contained in a flexible diaphragm, its dynamics allow it to take on the form of any conceivable geometry. We use it to create an almost unlimited range of geometric shapes, either shallow or deep drawn, from a wide variety of metals and metal alloys.
Designed by engineering and manufacturing professionals with decades of experience in the machine tool industry, this hydroforming press sets the industry standard in hydroforming technology. Their pioneering pressure containment system offers a significantly reduced press size and operates with outstanding integrity and durability. Modern design software, state-of-the-art hydraulics, and computer-driven controls provide us with the capability to produce seamless parts that are extremely lightweight, strong, and durable.
This flexiblepress is fully programmable can be used interchangeably in the deep draw or fluid cell process mode. For deep drawn parts or those with curved geometries, the downward-acting bladder holds the material during pressurization as the tool is extended upward by a hydraulic punch cylinder. This draws the material into the bladder and allows it to flow as needed. By contrast, the fluid cell process allows the downward pressure of the bladder to form the material around the tool, allowing multiple parts to be run in a single cycle.
Operating at up to 10,000 psi, this hydroform features and advanced control and hydraulic systems that allows us to precisely manage the forming pressure of punch travel, which facilitates the production of net-shaped parts. Its “open” feature enables our operators to visually inspect parts mid-cycle, after which they can either continue the cycle or abort in order to modify the recipe – a significant time saver in new part development projects.
Maximum punch tool diameter is 15″, while draw depth capacity is 10″. Outfitted with components from well-known names in industrial automation, it gives us the capability to for an extensive PM program.