The Hydroforming Process: How Does It Work?
Leave a CommentHydroforming (Sheet Hydroforming) is a specialized deep draw process that uses high-pressure rubber to shape and form metal workpieces. In sheet hydroforming, a metal sheet is placed over a die before highly pressurized water forces it down and makes it conform to the shape of the mold. In tube hydroforming, a preexisting tube is set between two dies, and water pushes the interior of the tube to expand and conform to the new shape. Both processes allow for the seamless forming of new shapes and parts in common metal alloys without welds. Additionally, the hydroforming process is an excellent choice for developing complicated, irregularly-shaped parts or products. At Helander, we specialize in high-quality metal-forming and manufacturing services to create custom parts for a wide range of applications across different industries including Sheet Hydroforming and Metal Spinning. (more…)